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Coronavirus Update: 12 January

We are into our second week of lockdown and, after some initial confusion, extra funding has been confirmed for Scotland’s hospitality, retail and leisure businesses. Some funding for other sectors is also forthcoming, including for the events industry, taxi services, wedding providers and suppliers, tourism, commercial arts and mobile close contact services. In addition, a second phase of the Newly Self Employed Hardship Fund is scheduled. We will keep you informed of these as they develop.

Lockdown Grant Top-Up Funding: In addition to the grants businesses receive through the Strategic Business Framework Fund, eligible businesses will also get a one off grant of: £25,000 for larger hospitality businesses on top of the 4-weekly £3,000; £6,000 for smaller hospitality businesses on top of the 4-weekly £2,000; £9,000 for larger retail and leisure businesses on top of the 4-weekly £3,000; £6,000 for smaller retail and leisure businesses on top of the 4-weekly £2,000.

In most cases, eligible businesses that have already applied for the 4-weekly payment from the Strategic Framework Business Fund will get an automatic top-up. Businesses that haven’t yet applied for either of these funds should submit an application as soon as possible through their local authority website. Find out more here.

Visual Artist and Craft Maker Awards: Fife and Perth & Kinross: The VACMA awards are supported by Creative Scotland through funding from the National Lottery in partnership with Fife Contemporary and Fife Cultural Trust. In place of usual awards, this year fixed bursaries are available in recognition of the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. The fund is open to Visual Artists/Craft Makers who can demonstrate a commitment to developing their creative practice and are living, working or maintaining a studio space within the Local Authority area to which they are applying. The next deadline will be Tuesday 2 February 2021 at 5pm. Find out more here.

Hardship Fund for Creative Freelancers: A second round of funding is available to creative freelancers working in Scotland experiencing immediate financial hardship (inability to meet essential costs) due to loss of income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds offer a one-off payment and you can only apply once, including if you applied to this fund during the first round of applications. Find out more here.

Badenoch Great Place Project Community and Business Engagement Event on Tuesday 26 January: The Badenoch Great Place project has been working to build the rich cultural heritage of Badenoch into a compelling visitor experience. Hosted by the Cairngorms Business Partnership, you will hear from the project team about the products developed around the project and proposed promotional activity. There will be an opportunity to learn about the project and discuss how it could benefit your business and community. Register here.

Introduction to Podcasting Free Session: This session on Thursday 28 January is a practical guide to making and publishing your own podcast. Top tips will be provided by industry expert (and friendly face) Kerr Mathieson. Find out what you need to know to get up and running, and how to create, record, edit and publish your very own podcast. Hosted by the library Maker_Space and audio expert Kerr Mathieson, this free online session is for anyone who’s ever listened to their favourite podcast and thought ‘ I could do that’. Plus, find out about the recording and editing facilities in the Maker_Spaces that are free for library members. Find out more and book here.

Business Directory on Perth City Website: Perth City are tweaking the business directory on to transform it into a one stop lockdown resource, with information on takeaways, food and drink shops, online deliveries and more. A listing is free of charge to all Perth & Kinross businesses. Register here.

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