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Coronavirus Update: 4 November


The new COVID 5 level protection system has now come into force. While it seems there are still clarifications to come, particularly in regard to support that will available for businesses, we’ve included a link below to check what tier your area is in and how that will affect you. And we also have a range of opportunities and funding.

COVID Protection Levels: The new 5 tier system for dealing with covid-19 in Scotland comes into force today. Each level has different implications for the businesses and individuals in the area. Check what level you’re in and what rules apply here.

It has also been announced by the UK Government that the furlough scheme will be extended and that mortgage payment holidays will be available for longer. The details are as yet unclear, especially in regard to what will be available for Scotland. We will keep you updated on this as more information comes through.

Commercial Property Regeneration Fund: This new grant fund has been launched by Perth & Kinross Council as part of their ongoing efforts to tackle the financial impact of Covid-19 on the local economy. The CPRF is a match funded grant fund aimed at bringing vacant commercial property back into use for business or housing. A business, property owner, social enterprise or charity could be eligible for a maximum grant of £75,000 or 50% of the cost of adaptation, conversion, repair or re-purposing of a vacant commercial property. Find out more here.

GrowBiz Mentoring Programme: GrowBiz are extending their award-winning programme into the Cairngorms National Park and will be running a Mentor Training Programme on the 12th November for the first group of mentors. If you are based in the Cairngorms National Park and would like more information on how you can get involved, please get in touch or click here for more information.

Scottish Broadband Voucher Scheme: A new collaboration between the Scottish and UK Governments will see voucher funding joined up to make more money available to subsidise the costs of building gigabit-capable broadband networks to hard-to-reach areas of Scotland. Ministers from the UK and Scottish governments are now urging businesses and communities to apply to future-proof their internet connections and be ready to reap the economic and social benefits brought by advances in technology. Find out more here.

HIE Innovate your Business Service: Now more than ever you may be considering how to do things differently to restart and recover - and this Innovate Your Business service can help you to get new ideas off the ground helping with research and development, implementing new ideas, improving existing services, finding new areas for your business to explore, developing a strategy for future innovation, protecting your intellectual assets and funding for businesses and communities that are responding to COVID-19 challenges. Apply for the service here.

LANTRA Agricultural Apprentices Pilot Support: Funding towards the cost of the apprentice’s salary may be available to agricultural businesses that can demonstrate an opportunity to improve their business through the employment of a pre-apprentice, modern apprentice or technical apprentice, who have not previously employed an apprentice. They must also agree to undertake an initial skills assessment, monthly checks on progress and a final interview to capture the benefits that the apprentice has brought to the business. The amount awarded, up to a maximum of £6,000 per year (plus VAT), will vary. Deadline is Monday 23 November 2020. Find out more here.

Digital Christmas Scotland Website: Perth-based marketing agency Volpa has launched a dedicated website on which companies who are offering digital Christmas solutions can advertise for free. Businesses can advertise on the new website by logging on and explaining how their business can help this year's "Digital Christmas" celebrations. Volpa will help promote the Digital Christmas offerings through the Digital Christmas Scotland website, social media and PR. Read more here.

What’s Open in the Cairngorms National Park: This site feature is designed to help you plan ahead and ensure you have a fantastic experience in the Cairngorms with a guide to local businesses and their current trading status. Take a look here.

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