A new year has started, and with it comes new opportunities and events. Here's some latest updates that we hope you find informative and useful:
Moray Social Enterprise Network Event
Are you looking for new sources of income for your social enterprise? Would you like to find new ways to increase your social enterprise's impact? This ‘Winning New Contracts, Gaining New Income’ event, run in partnership with Business Gateway, will answer those questions for Moray-based social enterprises of all sizes. Tuesday 16 January 2024, 10:00 – 12:00, Elgin Library. Find out more and book here.

Start the Year with Clear Intentions! Online learning event, Wednesday 24 January, 16:30 – 18:00
Make attending this GrowBiz session a resolution you keep this January and join us for a fast paced, interactive exploration of where you’ve been and, more importantly, where you’re going in 2024. You'll be inspired to explore your aspirations and ideas for a successful year and turn them into specific goals with a clear plan to achieve them. Join with fellow entrepreneurs and your event facilitators, Andy Lambert from Highland Clarity and Janet Hunter from GrowBiz, for a session to set yourself up for success this year and into the future. Book here.
Are You Cyber Secure? Event
This free online workshop for rural community organisations and businesses is the topic of cyber security. From the Scottish Rural & Islands Parliament, it is being curated by Breeze Digital and delivered by the Cyber and Fraud Centre Scotland. You can choose from two dates: Thursday 25 January 2024, 10.00 to 11.30am or Wednesday 31 January 2024, 10.00 to 11.30am. Book here.
Transform Business Festival — Tayside
This event will connect entrepreneurs, start-ups and businesses of all sorts in one packed day. To be held at Perth Concert Hall on 22 February, it has been created and delivered by Business Gateway & Elevator, in partnership with Perth & Kinross Council, Dundee City Council & Angus Council. Book a free ticket here.

FSB Celebrating Small Business Awards 2024
The FSB Celebrating Small Business Awards 2024 is now open for entries from small businesses and the self-employed across the UK. There’s 12 categories to choose from and it’s free to enter. Entries close on 11 February 2024. Find out more here.
Cairngorms Youth LAG
Are you aged 18-30 years old and live in the Cairngorms National Park? The Cairngorms Youth LAG in partnership with Cairngorms Trust have successfully delivered three rounds of funding to support young people within the Cairngorms National Park, with decisions made by a team of young people, aged 18-30. A fourth Round of Funding is now open, for individuals only. Young people under the age of 30 can apply for up to £500. First priority goes to people who live within Cairngorms National Park, second to those who live nearby and work/study within the Park and third to those with a deep connection to the Cairngorms. Fund closes 28 January. Find out more here.
Meet the Buyer Tayside
This event is taking place on Tuesday 20 February at the Invercarse Hotel in Dundee. New and existing suppliers, including sole traders, small businesses and social enterprises from around the Tayside area are invited to learn about upcoming contract opportunities, and to get free support on procurement processes. Suppliers will also be able to with meet larger contractors to learn about current and active subcontract opportunities, and how to join their supply chains. There will be speakers and optional short informational workshops delivered throughout the day. Attendance is free, register here.