With the second week of June nearly over already, we are almost halfway through 2024! This is a good time to pause and think about the year so far, and what you'd like to achieve during the remaining half.

We hope the events and news in this blog will provide some additional inspiration and motivation:
Ayrshire Rural and Islands Ambition (ARIA) Fund
Now open for new applications, there’s two funds available: the Main Fund, open to community groups, social enterprises, businesses, and farms, and the Community Asset Maintenance Fund, open to community groups who are managing a community building or asset. Both funds are only open for activities happening within rural Ayrshire. Expressions of Interest are open until 30 June, find out more here.
Perth & Kinross Council External Funding Officer Opportunity
Perth & Kinross Council are looking to employ a full time External Funding Officer to contribute to the development of funding propositions to deliver the strategies and policies that support sustainable economic growth in Perth and Kinross. Interviews will be held on the 21 June 2024 in person in Perth. Find out more and apply here.
Scottish Rural Leadership Programme
Business owners, directors, or senior members of a rurally based business or organisation who want to view their business from a different perspective can find out about the Scottish Rural Leadership Programme during online info sessions. The next one is taking place on June 19, with other options available. Find out more and book here.
Cairngorms Trust Trustee Opportunity
The Cairngorms Trust are actively looking for new Trustees to join their Board. More Information is available here: LAG trustee application guidance notes and information 2024, and you can download and application form here: LAG application form 2024.
Cairngorms Community Led Vision (CLV) Fund
Businesses (micro & small enterprises) and groups with projects that will deliver inclusive community-based activity in the Cairngorms National Park can now apply for this funding. Find out more here.
Scottish Edge Awards
Congratulations to the 35 winners of the 23rd round of the Scottish EDGE awards, who will share a £1.5 million prize fund. Are you a future winner? Round 24 opens for application in July 2024. Find out more and download a ‘practice’ application here.