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Rural Enterprise News: July 26


As we get ready to say goodbye to July and head into August, here are your latest updates, news and opportunities for rural communities and businesses:

Scottish EDGE: Round 20 of Scottish EDGE is now open for applications. If you’re a startup business with high-growth potential, apply before the 23 August and you could win up to £100,000 in funding and support. Applications can be made through the Scottish EDGE website; find out more here.

The Highland Business Awards: Nominations for these awards close in less than two weeks. With eleven diverse categories to choose from, nominate now and help to recognise the businesses and individuals who are integral to sustaining a strong economy in the Highlands. Find out more and nominate yourself or another business here.

Highland Business Week: The Highland Business Week takes place on the 26-30th of September. If you're based in the area and would like to host an event during the week, contact

Strathearn Building Bridges Inc - Volunteer and Activities Coordinator Vacancy: SBBI have received funding through the sportscotland regional sports partnership (Tayside and Fife) to help recruit a part time Volunteer and Activities Coordinator. Applications close Monday 8 August and interviews will be held the week beginning 22 August. If you have a passion for making a difference to people's lives, see the full job description here.

Children, Young People, Families and Adult Learning (CYPFAL) Third Sector Fund: This fund focuses on providing core funding to third sector organisations delivering services and support targeted towards positive outcomes for children, young people, families and adult learners. Applications open until 3pm on 5 September on the Corra website.

ASH Scotland Small Grants for Community Organisations: Help improve health and wellbeing in your community by addressing smoking and get apply for: A small grant of £500 for participating in the project, a package of tailored support and access to free resources and training. The deadline for the next round of funding is the 29 August. Find out more here.

Social Enterprise Policy & Practice Conference: This CEIS event on Wednesday 7 September at the Kinning Park Complex in Glasgow will look at community wealth building. Register by July 31 for the early-bird rate from £35 for social enterprises, third sector organisations, charities and students, and £65 for others. Online tickets are also available for free to allow attendees not able to travel to view the main session by live stream. View the programme, speakers and booking details here.

Finally, last week’s record temperatures had many of us thinking about climate change. For businesses wanting to take their green credentials seriously, here is a good resource for calculating your carbon footprint.

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