The world’s first Smart Village for young people is on the hunt for digital champions age 18-28 from across Angus, Lanarkshire, Outer Hebrides, Rural Perth and Kinross and the Scottish Borders.

A total of 12 digital champions will work with Scotland’s Rural Youth Project to help develop a pioneering “world first” youth-centric Smart Village. It will champion young people to collaboratively build vibrant, creative, and sustainable rural communities and economies in the places they call home.
The Rural Youth Project Smart Village, designed by Smart Village Scotland, will be the first digital portal designed by young people for young people. As well as developing a dynamic, interactive platform, the project will also provide valuable digital and business experience for young people, with a full suite of training for the selected digital champions, one to one support from enterprise facilitators if they have a business idea they would like to explore and support with CV building and skills development.

Co-Founders and Directors of the Rural Youth Project, Jane Craigie and Rebecca Dawes, said: “The mission behind the Rural Youth Project Smart Village is to deliver a digital place that really benefits young people in many aspects of their rural lives. It will be a space for young people to network and form mentoring relationships with their peers and, also older business and community leaders, while also having access to learning resources to support them in building a vibrant, creative and sustainable rural economy in Scotland.
The twelve selected digital champions will receive £500 to cover their voluntary expenses and time in supporting the project and will get the opportunity to work with a web developer in creating, designing and shaping content of the new digital platform.
Further details about the digital champions role and how to apply can be found now at and applications close on 26 October.