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Coronavirus Update: 20 April


After the earlier easing of travel restrictions last Friday, we hope many of you were able to take the opportunity to safely meet up with family or friends over the weekend. This comes ahead of the official reopening of tourism next week on the 26th, and is a welcome boost of positivity. We have a link to some questions and answers around this reopening from VisitScotland in this blog, as well as updates on the latest SEISS grant and other important updates:

Self Employed Income Support Scheme: HMRC has begun sending out emails to eligible claimants for the 4th SIESS grant. This instalment of this grant covers the 3-month period from 1 February 2021 to 30 April 2021 and the online claims service will be available from late April 2021 until 31 May 2021.

There will be a fifth and final SEISS grant covering May to September 2021. Find out more about the grants here.

It seems there are a few extra things to be aware of when claiming these grants: New rules mean that amending a tax return could result in having to repay all, or some, of a SEISS 4 grant. Find out more here.

And expanded eligibility may mean that you’re able to claim for the 4th instalment, even if you weren’t eligible for previous ones. However, there are also new checks that have been imposed. Find out more here.

CanDoCrieff: This co-working space in the centre of Crieff is reopening on Monday 26 April 2021. Pop in any morning from 10-12 am Monday 26 to Friday 30 April to have a look around and chat with one of the team. You are also welcome to have a day working from Can Do Crieff free of charge to get a feel for the space before you decide if you want to join. If you are interested in co-working in Crieff check out the website or contact

Tourism and Hospitality Reopening Update: Visit Scotland has been working with the Scottish Government team to pull together a list of topical questions and answers around guidance for the tourism and hospitality industry reopening from the 26 April. Take a look here.

Prepare for Brexit Website: As businesses adapt to a new trading environment with the EU, content previously available on the the Prepare for Brexit website can now be accessed through the Scottish Enterprise website. It covers a number of key topics: VAT, rules of origin, sector-specific information, as well as import/export advice. Take a look here.

GO FURTHER Investment campaign: This is an opportunity to engage, showcase and celebrate progressive businesses who are pushing through and achieving their aspirations through access to investment, impactful collaborations, and the foresight to inform and respond to the changing world around them. Businesses of all sizes and from all sectors in the North of England and Scotland will be welcome to apply. Find out more here.

Tay Cities Expo: Tay Cities Expo takes place next month and there is still time to sign up. This is a great, virtual opportunity for both small and large producers in our area to promote their quality products to local and national buyers. If you would like to sign up or find out more, please contact Sarah Russell, Regional Food Group Coordinator for Great Perthshire:

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